Little Mermaid
Little Red Riding Hood
Hansel & Gretel
Beauty & the Beast
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
East & West
Blue Beard
Juniper Tree
The Prank Queen is an archetypal in Finnegan's Wake
Portmanteau- multiple level word i.e. SMOG-fog + smoke = smog
Privileged numbers of fairy tales- 3, 7
333 Type tale - Little Red
collective unconscious manifests itself as archetypes
"If you're really crafty you'll get them both" - The Wolf in Little Red
3 parts of universal quest- separation, initiation, myth
Triple Goddess- mother, maiden, crone
Everything is displaced no such thing as original
To bow at someone- recognition of the divine
Aladdin- Genie is Mythology
Grimm's Cinderella - Ashgirl
East & West, Hedge Hog, and B&B is search for missing husband motif
Mother Daughter Duo- Demeter & Persephone
Significance of Blue in Blue Beards beard- everything
Archetype for talking animal- The Golden Ass
Why Cupid wakes up- drop of hot oil
Already knows everything needs to know - Wordsworth
Beauty & the Beast came from Cupid & Psyche
Blue Beard is against female curiosity
Which Grimm story has a witch in it? Hansel & Gretel
Who wanted to marry Little Red? Charles Dickens
First phrase to open a fairy tale? Once upon a time...
Graphics for Presentation
16 years ago
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